MyCosmos コンテスト受賞してた (^ ^;
Dear Mr. / Miss
Congratulation to whom win over Cooler Master My Cosmos Contest. The official letter is to inform you that you win our prize(s) in the MyCOSMOS contest. According to the official rules, you have to reply the mail within 48 hours to claim your prize(s). Please reply this mail with the receiver information. If not, you will be deemed to have forfeited the right to the prize.
Thank you very much
- If, at the close of the 48-hour period following the public announcement of prize winners, a prize winner has not followed the appropriate procedures incumbent on receiving the prize, he or she will be deemed to have forfeited the right to the prize. At such a time, Cooler master reserves the right to select a different winner(s) for prize(s).
- The winner shall be held responsible for losing the qualification of getting the prize if Cooler Master is unable to notify the winner because of the wrong information provided by the winner.
- All prizes will be shipped to the winners within 8 weeks after the event is over.
- All prizewinners shall bear the tax based upon the Law and Governmental Regulations in that area (of the specific Countries).
Best Regards,
どうやら、コスモスを記事にしたことでコンテストに入賞したらしい。一所懸命に記事を書けば優勝(賞品は Real Power Pro 750W 電源) したかも知れない。コンテストがあることは COSMOS のブログで読んではいたのだが全く気にかけていなかった。丁度、中国へ出張中にコンテストの発表があったらしい…750W 電源欲しかったな絶対自分じゃ買えないし…
- Cooler Master Opens MyCOSMOS Contest Updated- Details
- MyCosmos Contest: Round 3 Winner Announcement!
- MyCosmos Contest: Round 3 Winner Announcement! updated
Best Reviewer /Most Creative Participant/Most Popular Creation: Absent (under 10 creations this week)Most Active Participant (92 comments+ 20 extracomments ):
Winner: Creech ( )
Prize : Real Power Pro 750W x 1 + Hyper 212 x1Participantion Prize (Random Drawing):
1. Winner : Starboykb( / Sean from Canadal (
Prize: Xcraft 360 x 12. Winner : Hide( / CoolZone(
Prize : Hyper 212 x 13. Winner : Maxession ( /Werty316(
Prize: PWM Fan Hub Set x 1 (Fan Hubx1 + 120mm PWM fan x2)
そういう訳で、Hyper 212 をゲットすることになった。COSMOS のサンプル品も頂いて CPU ファンも頂いてしまった!(T T) ありがとう COOLER MASTER
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