iMac g4 DVI and original PSU problem :( への回答
Hi,i'm contacting you desperate… i did use your blog to make my own 15" iMac g4 intel. First of All: thank you very much!what i did:- the DVI transformation (exactly as you mentioned, i used a female connector- I used the original PSU to power the screen, and i think i messed up here…what i did- plug the cord to the motherboard- plug the ground on the faraday cage (like original mount)- plugged to the MB the 16 connector PSU- disassembled one of the MOLEX:i connected the inverter cables as:-black -> black molex-green -> 1Kh resistor -> red molex (5V)-blue-> yellow molex (12V)-red ->red molex (5V)when i turn on the motherboard, the screen flashes and goes off immediately (plugged to the computer mac mini)i hope you'll find what's wrong here…i don't know what to do :( … thank you very much for the reply!
フランスの人と思わしき方から iMac G4 を Windows PC に改造 の記事に対して質問を寄せられましたので、極めて個人的内容ですが回答させて頂きます。
液晶だけを使う目的なら iMac G4 のマザーボードは利用すべきでないでしょう…
If it is the purpose of using only LCD of iMac G4, you should not use the mother board of iMac G4.
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